Hansen/UMD/Google/USGS/NASA global forest change data.
Shows global forest coverage from year 2000, forest cover loss from years 2000-2020, and forest cover gain from years 2000-2012.
Legend:This layer shows forests that have reached the approximate threshold for regeneration felling.
Legend:This layer shows mangrove forests monitored by the Global Mangrove Watch.
The data shown here is from 2010.
the Global Forest Watch tree plantations data from combined with CIFOR data of global wetlands.
Green areas area forest plantations that are on mineral soil and brown areas those in peatlands.
Click on a forest plantation to view more information and estimated emission reduction potentials of peatland forest plantations when the groundwater level is lifted by 40 cm.
This layer comprises of the Zonation 2018 data (forests of high biodiversity value).
The data shown corresponds to 10% of the most important areas for biodiversity in Finland.
Air quality
Burning of fossil fuel creates oir pollutants such as NO₂ and small particles.
Air cleanlinessThe satellite NO₂ data is based on Sentinel 5P measurements and is updated approximately once per 24 hours for any given location. A healthy threshold of NO₂ is around 50 umol/m2.
Snow cover loss
This layer shows the global decrease in the amount of snow over time. Each area shown corresponds to an area that between 1980 and 1990 had at least 10 days of snow on average. This average is contrasted with the average snowfall between 1996 and 2016.
The data comes from FT-ESDR or Freeze/Thaw Earth System Data Record.